After having some problems with previous version of Arducopter code (including ardupirates) i tried current, second version. I must say that im impressed, it flies quite well at default settings ! Quite, because i must solve 2 things, im flying only in stabilise mode as for now.
1. Quad is prestty stable, but also a bit "nervous". From time to time its catching short oscillation, also its oscillating a bit at quick descent. What parameter should i change (rise or lower ?) to correct it ? Wiki suggest to focus at Kd, but maybe in this case its matter of "P" ?
2. This matter is a bit more complicated. During flight with first version of Arducopter (and ardupirates) i noticed that after crazy and fast flight quad its drifting quite strongly to opposite direction for some time. For example if i did some fast forward flight with some turns and so on, and if i try hover just after that - quad drifts backward quite strongly. After some time, about 10-15 seconds quad get back his level and hovering more or less in place again. Also landing and reconnecting battery do work.
Unfortunatelly i see that same behavior with ACM2, but not so strong like in previous version. After fast flight forward and relasing sticks, quad for about 5 seconds tries to drift backward till it get back his level and hover normally. What can be reason of such behavior ? In my opinion, in ACM2 it looks like quad is trying to stop his forward move when i relase sticks, but this "contraction" is too strong making him not only stop, but also drift backward. What parameters i should try change (rise or lower) to correct this ?
My setup:
- APM 1280 + Oilpan (version before 1.4.), no magneto, no sonar, no GPS
- 850 kV RCTimer motors with 10x4.7 APC props
- own frame with 50 cm motor to motor distance
- 1 kg RTF weight
2. I have exactly the same problem that you describe! Sometimes I have to give full stick movement to stop the quad from flying away.. Did you solve this problem?
if you put too much Ki the AC will back when you release sticks.
Put less i parameter.
As Kp i think that you can change "STABILIZE DAMP"