UAS GPS embedded in Cannon Imagery

I am seeing plenty out there on cameras with GPS capability, but what if I have a camera with no GPS capability that I want like to have the GPS position associated with the UAS embedded in the image. I know from looking at the CHDK that you can hook up a GPS to a cannon point and shoot for embedding GPS coordinates into that, so could I do the same with the GPS on board the hexacopter I'm planning to build?

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  • Before i bought a camera with GPS I used to take a normal GPS receiver with me and I synced the camera's time with the GPS. When i arrived home i copied the GPS log and the pictures into a folder and an application updated the pictures with the GPS coordinates based on the time. I can't recall what was the application name but i'll take a look....

    (it is just for normal photography... I am still waiting for the UAV parts to build my first one :) )

  • Distributor


    I believe there is a way to geo-reference your images taken with ardupilot via the mission planner by pressing Ctrl>F  I have not played with this too much but if you have triggered the camera via your mission plan, then I think it will work fine..


    Hope that helps!

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