u.a.v. controled from laptop with modem router...?

My name is Vagelis.
I am a newcomer to the u.a.v. world.
I would like to know can i control my u.a.v. with a modem router from my laptop with a joystick?
I am asking because I have seen that the most expensive radio controls are 2,4Ghz and my modem router works at this frequency and it has 6 chanells.
If this can be done, what i will need to get...
Thank you! :D

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  • At the begining i only want to get a camera up in the air!
    ...the plan is to make a simple f.p.v. UAV no GPS no telemetry autopilot etc...maybe later :D
    As for the platform I am thinking to get an E-Sky heli RTF.
    With a 2,4Ghz wireless camera wireless like this;
    ...any sugestions about the camera?
    And another question both camera and RC of the heli work at the 2,4Ghz frequency band, can this cause a problem with interference?
  • Thanks for your reply's!
    I think i will go with the standard radio control systems...The other way seems to be too complicate to start with..
    I am surprised how cheep a 6 channel rc has become!
    Also another question I have seen that a 2,4 Futaba 6channel rc costs about 500usd is there a so big difference in the performance(range...etc) to justify the difference in the price, in comparison with a 32usd + servos of a no name brand?
  • Vagelis,

    Automatik has done some work in this area. Maybe you can get more info from him.

    As it's early going for you, I would advise going with a standard system designed for model aircraft. You wont have to re-invent the wheel. My assumption is that you are new to uav's and model aircraft in general? If so, I believe it is more important to understand the airframe, power system, and control surfaces before delving into the world of alternative control methods. Hobby King has a very basic 2.4Ghz 6 channel system for $32 (plus shipping) which includes TX and RX. It doesn't get much cheaper than that.
  • try this link http://www.endurance-rc.com/pctx.html
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