uav falling down when swtiching to auto mode!


Everything seemed to be alright with the uav and mission planner but not sure when we switch to auto it just dive down for some unknown reason!

I have attached our log, could someone please check and see what they find? it's a short flight.

p.s. we didn't do any stabilize flight first, if matters?



2013-09-24 15-32-38.tlog

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  • Hi

    I have had similar problem myself. That was because of the Home pos Altitude. I was at home making the route and then went to my "airport". The altitude at home was 74m and the airport is at 4m. The Home position alt is the reference altitude. So remember to verify the Home altitude before you save the waypoints to your APM.

    When you have been flying the route, you need to "Restart mission" to start all over at waypoint 1. I can see from your .txt file that your last waypoint is at altidude 0m. Maybe this is the reason....? Maybe you did not "Restart mission" and then it went to the last waypoint at 0m.

  • it is really confusing, sometimes we have successful auto-flights but some days we unable :/

  • After analyse your tracklog, I see that the YAW2SRV_RLL parameter was set: 0.0

    This is the gain term that is applied to the yaw rate offset calculated as required to keep the yaw rate consistent with the turn rate for a coordinated turn.

    The default value is 1 which will work for all models. Advanced users can use it to correct for any tendency to yaw away from or into the turn once the turn is established. Increase to make the model yaw more initially and decrease to make the model yaw less initially. If values greater than 1.1 or less than 0.9 are required then it normally indicates a problem with the airspeed calibration.

    Just try new settings. Post here results.

  • HI

    Could you upload the .txt file for the auto-route as well...?

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