UAV Help

I'm new here, and have a lot of questions, so here goes.I'd like to make a UAV that can fit all the following requirements:2+ hours flight time(if not possible, what's the highest flight time?)2 cameras- 1 FPV, 1 on bottom for downward viewIncreased range(as much as possible while still having it be omnidirectional)Autopilot-easy to program/use for someone who doesn't do a whole lot of programming(Would ArduPilot be best?)Video goggles or a small screen for viewing camera feed(what is the average price for goggles? They don't have to rotate, but I'd like to be able to toggle between both cameras. If there's a cheap rotating one, I could work with that)I'd really appreciate any advice on what model type to use, what cameras, etc. Thanks. :)

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  • Moderator
    Ahh the Eastern European way.. hehe
  • Moderator
    I have learned that engineers must develop - sellers must sell. It's here many brilliant geniuses goes wrong, they wanna do everything them self.

    BTW. I like to know what santa has in his BIG sack?
  • Moderator
    I know Bosak, and I know you deliver super product, maybe the best solution on marked.

    I think they are a little hard on you on RCG?
  • Moderator
    Skyes the limit.
    Now the hungry beasts are out in open air....
    Buy my plane....
    no.... buy my plane it's much better...

    Sorry ;-)
    Mr. Bosak and Gary, just a little cristmas joke...
    I could not help my self.
  • T3
    You could equip EasyUAV with you custom video payload:

    The flight time would be around 40min-60min time.

    For OSD, you could use RVOSD or any other OSD accepting GPS input.
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