UAV help needed

I need help building/buying an aerial vehicle. I have some design challenges, I need a flight time of +1 hour(s), payload capacity of ~3 lbs, obviously autonomous features, ability to land on rough terrain. I have little to no knowledge of UAVs and would appreciate any help.

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  • he means look around

    uavfactory airframe is nice and very clean finish.

    check this thread:

  • Philip, welcome DIYdrones...

    OK 1+ hour is not biggie, 3lbs is no biggie.....what is, is that you need to understand what it is exactly you are trying to achieve (what written above not withstanding)

    Are you looking for high level obvservation? in which case you need a slim'ish airframe with high aspect ration wings, if you need to carry a multitude of sensors, at lower level, then you need a boxcar of to carry loads, with the ability to loiter, obviously the airframe has to carry itself, all systems, cells or IC for power system..

    thats another point, in some ways IC is more efficient in as much that as you use fuel, the airframe lightens up, but Electric power has other bonuses attahced to them.

    Moving away from airframes....AP`s

    Ardupilot could no doubt do this for you...., do you need to re-task in the air?, what sort of weather region will you be flying in, this will govern wether you can go for simple thermopiles or plump for IMU as weather will not affect an IMU (and before someone says it i know IMU has a temp comp issue) but thermo`s if they get wet, read incorrectly, and flight becomes exciting!!!!

    Write what you trying to sort down and work through the list, eventually you will be left with all teh parameters for your new aircraft, generaly necessity drives design.

    I hope this helps, and once you have all this stright in your head come back with your next step.


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