Hi all,

First, a hearty thank you to the developers and other project contributors.  It's amazing software and hardware, and the community here is pretty active and helpful.  Good stuff. 

My question;

Are there any changes in GPS protocol message configuration (GPS messages sent from the APM through Mavlink protocol to the ground station) for the UBlox GPS hardware between ArduPlane software version 2.68 and current version 2.72?

Why I ask;  I got ArduPlane version 2.68 and Drone Cell mostly working.  Many thanks to Soren and other developers who offered code and explained the details about how to do this. 

So, ArduPilot telemetry over the cell network is working for me, but not working perfectly.  My gcs is receiving GPS Mavlink messages, but I suspect they are in the wrong format. 

I have not isolated the precise Mavlink messages (I have 2-3 log files captured from Qgroundcontrol) but I suspect the message format between my APM code and the GPS device I have is mismatched.  The 2.68 source code indicates that MediaTek GPS version 1.6 is supported.  MediaTek GPS v1.9 is what I have.  If UBlox GPS is working in ArduPilot v2.68, it seems like the easiest solution..

Any comments or guidance is most appreciated.

Kind regards,

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  • Hi,

    Thank you!

    Are you flying w my cellular extension :) ? Niiice.

    The GPS data flow is

    GPS reciver (many different formats)-->serial wires(different speeds too)---> APM UART1--> (same struct for all GPS receivers)--->through GCS_mavlink.pde code--->through MAVLink libs code--->MAVLink message--->telemetry link--->GCS.

    It goes to the navigation algorithms too of course.

    If your aircraft can navigate then everything should be OK until "GPS_* in software". If you can see its position in the GCS, all the rest is OK too. Where do you have custom code, on the APM or on the ground?



  • Developer

    Not sure I can help too much but the messages between the gps and APM should not have any impact on the messages between the APM and the ground station.  So which ever GPS you use really shouldn't make much difference...certainly the change from the Mediatek 1.6 to 1.9 shouldn't matter.

    Picking the Ublox over the Mediatek is always the right decision though for so many reasons primarily to do with accuracy and reliability.

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