I am looking to do some post-processing on a rover. I also have a base station which is stationary for long periods of time.
However, the GPS modules I am using do not support Raw output data.
Ublox CAM-M8
I have tried sending a TRK-TRKD5 (030a) enable, but the CAM-M8 does not acknowledge it.
I have tried many combinations on this website.
I however haven't tried any FW/RAM patches.
UBX-Mon reports
Software version ROM CORE 3.01, which I don't see listed anywhere on
Much of the talk around UBLOX raw data and RTKLIB centers around the NEO-M8~ series of chips. I am wondering if getting raw data off other chips simply is not possible.
Is there anyway to do differential GPS without raw data?
Upon reading more....without access to raw data there is no amount of post-processing which will improved an already very good ~5m signal from a commercial gps it appears.
Any information greatly appreciated.