Ubuntu MP 2.0.11 auto takeoff waypoint


Will auto takeoff waypoint disregarde lat and long and just climb to accurate height end then continue with the mission? Since I can't know in advance the exact lat and long for arming and they will differ(with some meters maybe) from the missions auto takeoff waypoint.

How do you guys sort it out? Any help appreciated : )

I'm on Ubuntu using MP 2.0.11. Maybe that build is missing some of the features that exist in M$..


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  • Just leave the Lat long blank. I never tried it with any coordinates entered, but I'm pretty sure they would just be ignored anyway.
    • Thanks for your response. I will try that.

      My home waypoint is always uneditable, will that waypoints lat and long inherit lat and long from where I'm arming the vehicle? It's a little bit confusing that I can't edit my home waypoint except for drag and drop. I suppose that RTL will return to the takeoff waypoint and not to the home waypoint? So I don't see the use for the home waypoint!? Am I missing something?

      • Whatever it is you are missing, I'm missing to. It makes no sense to me and I've been at this for a while. I think you can arm, then edit the Home WP and it actually will relocate it. As soon as you disarm/arm again it will reset. I think this is a safety measure to prevent fly aways.
        I recommend using Rally Point rather than Home to pick your RTL location.
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