
I am trying to get GPS Lat/Lon, heading, speed and altitude info form UD5 to add RTH and Altitude Hold to my Open pilot based quad, share your ideas and let discuss what is the best way to interface it. I have few ideas how to do this

1) Get GPS info from UDB5 Serial Port TX2/RX2 (write interface that can pull this data)

2) Use different micro1 to connect UDB5 serial port.

3) Use micro1 with pressure sensor with measure altitude with z axis acceleromer or pull from UDB5.

4) Micro1 can have by pass functionality for RC throttle, RTH and altitude hold, it will send

    needed PWM signal to OpenPilot with RTH or Altitude Hold engaged.

5) Micro1 will use GPS altitude and Pressure sensor along with z axis accelerometer info for altitude hold and Lat/Lon for RTH.

6) Micro1 will send RC throttle and yaw, pith and roll signal to OpenPilot for RTH functionality.

7) Micro1 will send RC throttle signal to OpenPilot for altitude hold.

Note: I have UDB5 board and want to use that board for this implementation along with some M0 Cortex micro as Micro1.


Fakhre Alam


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