UHF Long Range TX/RX (HAM required)

Haven't seen much about this mentioned on the website yet. I did see one person throw one up for sale with no replies. Looks like it would give ranges farther than 1.3, 900, 2.4 etc. It requires a HAM license, but that doesn't seem like it would be hard if you can memorize the question pool!

Radio System

Question pool for HAM

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  • I got my HAM license a few years ago for other reasons, it is not that difficult and worth it IMO.  I took a class at a local community college one night a week for a few weeks and it only cost $10 for the whole course.  I also bought the book and QA book (probably $50).  Taking the exam cost $10 for the application fee. 


    After saying all that I am confident you could just take the many practice tests available on the web and learn the necessary info that way for free in a few hours of practice. There are two main practice test sites I could dig up if anyone really wanted them and couldn't find them.  You could then go take the license exam and pay the $10 and be a HAM.  It is a one time deal and opens you up to many possibilities (legally that is).


    I have also found the HAM community to be very receptive to newcomers and a friendly bunch.  Just if anyone cares it is easy enough to do and can cost as little as $10.

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