Unable to connect to APM 2.6

I have an APM 2.6 with ArduCopter V3.0.1.  I am unable to connect to it using Mission Planner 1.2.85.  It says no heartbeat packets received.   I've tried re-uploading the firmware and it does not help.  I've tried other firmware like ArduRover and it starts to connect but it gets stuck on loading the params.  Any idea how to fix this?

Thank you in advance.


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  • I have a very similar problem, I have two APM2.6, one of them never had an issue, latest version of Mission Planner, and loaded 3.01 firmware onto APM no problems, connects fine.

    The other APM2.6, loads firmware without a hitch but then refuses to connect and gives the heartbeat error message. If I go back and load V2.9.1b firmware it will then connect in Mission Planner, reload V3.01 and it refuses to connect again.

    I am baffled!!

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