Unable to translate Communication Protocol

I have been trying to decipher the protocol I get when connected to my APM 2.5.  I originally saw this when I opened up the terminal in Mission Planner to analyze the MAVLink.  After that I opened the connection in Hyper Terminal just to make sure it wasn't the software.  This is what I found.

Does anyone have any idea what this?  Is this now encrypted?

The reason this is important is because my hardware is not working correctly with HK GCS.  I'm guessing this is the reason.  I can connect to the COM Port but I get no sensor data or GPS data.



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  • Right on.  After thinking about it I figured it was binary.  Thanks for the quick reply Chris.  I love this hardware!

  • 3D Robotics

    That's just binary. HK GCS has not been updated for a long time and does not understand MAVLink 1.0, which is the current version. 

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