Uncommanded RTL

Today I was doing some tuning to my octocopter. We had it hovering nicely for approx 30 seconds and I was about the start changing the stab_p value using the computer.

The octo then changed into RTL. It flew upwards (I assume to get to the 10 metre height). Unfortunately we had been flying below a small palm tree and its rise stopped. It stayed there for appox 40 seconds (it felt like hours) chopping up the tree it RTL mode. As you can see, it managed to stay up there with an ever decreasing amount of blades. Using the mission planner I got it into land mode and it came down.

I didn't have battery or radio failsafe turned on, nor do I have RTL on a switch, so I am interested to know what other settings can make arducopter change to RTL. 

I have attached my logs. If somebody could figure out what went wrong, I would be very appreciative. 


2013-04-07 09-56-18.tlog

2013-04-07 10-06 147.log

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