"Unfortunately, Andropilot has stopped"


I am new to Android SDK, and I am trying to install and run the Andropilot into my Android device. I built the code and ran in a Nexus 4. The application installs, however, when I start the Andropilot, it crashes and shows the message "Unfortunately, Andropilot has stopped". 

Can somebody help me out? 

Thank you.

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  • Developer

    Sure - what Android device are you using and what is the version of android on that device?  Can you tell me the time in UTC when the crash occured (so I can check for crash reports at google).

    Also, what is the version of andropilot you are using (you can get that from settings / apps / andropilot).

    • My devices are Nexus 4 and also Nexus 7. Nexus 4 is running on Android 4.4.4.

      I am using Eclipse to debug and run the application. Actually, I think I am skipping some step. I am running the app as it was a normal android application. I mean, sbt is already installed on my computer, but I am not using it to build the project. As no erros are found by Eclipse, I thought I was done. 

      • Developer

        Ah - I see!  You built it yourself.  Cool beans.  I don't think it is possible for just eclipse to build it correctly.  Can you try building it using the steps in the README and let me know what you find?

        • Ok, I will try that. Thank you very much for the help :)

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