uninvasive drone anthropology

I recently thought about non commercial application of drones for the good of humanity. We have less than 100 tribes of uncontacted people left in the world. Once these "wild" people are gone, we the "domesticated" people will lose the roots of our humanity. I was able to start a conversation with one of the world's leading anthropologist using technology to help the last uncontacted tribes as well as with Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples' rights. Now I am looking for find dedicated and inspired drone enthusiast into the conversation to add the technological aspect to this philosophical thought experiment and explore the actionable steps possible now and in the near future. Please get in touch with me of you have further insight about utilizing technology in the defense and study of tribal people and would like to join us. The earlier we can get this discourse going the biggest impact we can make on protecting and saving our last wild people. Thank you

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