Hi all, 

Hope you're having a pleasant Monday so far :)

Today I launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund my new line of quadcopters with a self-supporting frame that I designed.

c4a855e5d84934d60ceefe5c3d4261e1_large.jpg?1399690390&width=750You guys have been instrumental in helping me navigate around the technical issues during design phase and I would love to hear your opinion of the finished product and it's features. 


All comments and suggestions are very welcome!

Here is the link to the campaign on Kickstarter with the full story - http://kck.st/1gekW1T

Thank you!

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  • Ivan, this looks fantastic.  I love the frame design.  I have no doubt that you'll sell a ton of these.

    Are those aluminium parts custom-made or commercially available?

    • Thanks Jean, glad you like my design. Hope to get this business of the ground soon.

      Aluminum parts are of-the-shelf joints for robotics. They are a bit more durable than typical multirotor parts.


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