
Units of measurement in the Mission Planner HUD

Can someone please confirm what are the units of measurement in the mission planner HUD, and whether they are changeable, and if changeable how is it done.

As a manned aircraft pilot I would expect to see airspeed in knots, and altitude in feet.  But I'm not going to assume anything as my X8 was reporting 14 pre stall, 20 at 3/4 power and 35 at max power, and in my opinion it was flying rather underpowered and slow, so if these measurements are in knots then I wouldn't be surprised.

The FY117 shows speed in km/hr so I won't assume anything.

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  • In the APM planner, connect to your APM via USB. Once connected, click the Configuration button, followed by the planner tab.. Then it's under distance and speed units. Best of luck!


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