Unstable F550 causing crashes, please help!

I have assembled this f550 clone with the following specs:

Hexacopter frame 550mm

2212 DJI 920Kv motors

30 Amp SimonK ESCs

APM 2.6 with AC 3.2

35C 5800mah lipo

I need to preface this with after my build was complete I loaded AC 3.2 with default PIDs for the hexa model and had the epitome of the perfect maiden flight.  everything was working fine,  maybe gain was a bit high but totally flyable in the 25 km/h winds.  I then took it home and charged my batteries and went out 6 hours later, only to have it pitch and roll and drop aggressively when pitch was mixed with roll or yaw, this caused many crashes, after each finding something that could be wrong, CG, vibration etc... I have been researching for weeks and tinkering and every time I lose control and crash, in stability mode, alt hold, loiter and omg drift :S  So this morning with little wind I managed to get through an autotune without losing control.  Great right? New PIDs.  Did it help? nope.  I swear if you blow on this thing or even look at it wrong it decides to violently dip, and sometimes roll to -110 degrees EEK.  I don't understand what could have went wrong.  I can see possible problems in the datalogs but can't seem to come to a solution.  The log attached is for the flight in the attached video.  p.s. don't mind the take off i had just removed what was left of the landing gear after it crashed right after the autotune so i had to move the battery and the cg shifted back and it tried to bite my face off, perhaps put me out of my misery.  Please help. 

flight:  https://youtu.be/l3CRsfZ_q0g  


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