up too late, let smoke out...

I think I already know the answer here but I will throw it out there. New APM 2.5 with case, gps and minim osd: Started installing everything in a bixler clone and getting it all setup. It was going smoothly, I had the RC calibrated, ppm sum working great, flight modes working and then came the OSD. I programmed it as per instructions, changed the settings in mission planner for the OSD to communicate, soldered it all up.. perfect. Even updated config.h to allow for RSSI... everything is still working well on the bench...

Then I screwed up... I stuck the ground on 12v and +12v on signal and poof! there goes the OSD, and a cam... I should have called it quits an hour ago, I suck on lack of sleep... - I know but it gets better.

Now my APM gets stuck in flight modes when I can watch on mission planner and clearly see that I had switched out of stabilize and into manual (yet its still stuck in stabilize). It also freezes up sometimes - with no rhyme or reason.

I tried loading the firmware again a few times and went into CLI and into setup and typed reset, did the factory reset... From there it went through a bunch of config stuff and seemed to get stuck at some point - just streaming seemingly random characters.

I reloaded the firmware a few more times and reset defaults but it still gets stuck in stabilize. 

So - I should probably just order a new APM? can I send the old one in for repair?

I know the OSD is gone - I can see burnt marks through one of the chips and no way I am going to try to solder that thing by hand and im not sure if I can hit it with another reflow cycle.. no matter the OSD is cheap.

Thanks for any words of encouragement/advice (excluding get some sleep, get a new hobby, etc...lol)


    - Joe

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  • I too have learned when to say 'when' regarding late bench work.

    No advice on the OSD but are you familiar with the APM2.5 Simplied 5V Schematic?

    I might give you some check points for measuring values before you say 'uncle' on the APM.


  • Correction: It was cheap last time I ordered it. Price went up by ~ 20 bucks and it doesn't look so cheap anymore...

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