Update Mediatek through APM

Hi everyone,

I'm having some problems updating the GPS Firmware (my Lonvalues are completely out of range, Lat is O.K.). Now I don't own anFTDI cable, so i'm stuck with the pass-through method using the scriptin the APM manual (attached).

Which baudrates should I set in the script, and what baud rate should the flash tool be communicating with?

I Tried 38400 for the APM (IMU?) and 9600 or 115200 for the GPS. Set the flash tool at 38400.

Result: [Flash Download],Fail!!(Download) DL_HANDLE error code,[Finish]

----------------------<SERIAL CODE FROM MANUAL>--------------------------------
void setup()
Serial.begin(38400); // FTDI; this is the speed at which the IMU board is communicating with your PC
Serial1.begin(9600); // GPS; 9600 is the usual default for NMEA GPS modules
void loop()
if (Serial.available())
if (Serial1.available())

----------------------</SERIAL CODE FROM MANUAL>--------------------------------

PS: Running the APM Beta code - gps test mode. Here I noticed the values of Lon being out of range. Should be showing 9.xxxxx instead I see around 60.xxx

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