I'm trying to upload to a newly soldered APM and getting the same error every time. I'm using a macbook pro with fusion 3.1.2 and APM Mission Planner 1.0.20
Here is what I'm getting. Any ideas? I've never had a problem communicating with it via arduino.
I've tried APMplanner and Mission Planner. I use Win 8, 64bits
Sometimes they works, sometimes, they just give me these error. any solution? Thx
it apears to be erroring in the download phase.
there are 2 posible issues.
firstly the comport is in use/not open like it says.
the second is the apm might be browning out. do you have a receiver/servos pluged in. if so please remove them and try again OR power the servo rail, to make sure that a brown out wont occur. Ive added more error message in the next version of tha planner, so can identify where its failing.