Uploading through shield does not work?

Hi all, 


I'm using Ardupilot together with the ArduPilot Shield V2. I've succesfully uploaded the Ardupilot Software to the Ardupilot. I've tested Ardupilot and it seems to work correctly, e.g., I did the RC input test. Next I put the shield onto the Ardupilot. It now looks like in this photo: twentyeight.jpg.


When I connect the ftdi cable to the shield instead of the Ardupilot, it correctly shows the output in the serial monitor, in the same way as when I connect the ftdi cable directly to the Ardupilot.


However, when I try to upload new code to the Ardupilot (i.e., the Ardupilot code with a different DEBUG_SYSTEM value, it won't work. Arduino will just sit there stating "Uploading to I/O Board..." but never finishes.


I'm using the latest Ardupilot version (2.7).


I'd appreciate any tips. Sorry, I'm very new to this.


Many thanks,



ps: The GPS is not connected

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  • 3D Robotics

    Are you powering the board (typically with your ESC)? If so, it should work--any problems would be due to a shield soldering error.

  • A small update: I loaded the "Sensor Input" test script directly to Ardupilot. I then connected the shield and I connected the FTDI cable to the shield. Airspeed is shown correctly when I blow into the nozzles. Also the "Analog IN" values are changing as I move the board.


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