I was trying to upload the firmaware to my newly bought pixhawk. But i was getting the error that the connection with the device was not possible. I noticed then that each time the firmware should start to upload, an exclamation mark symbol apperaed on the wlan icon on the task bar of windows 7 OS, meaning there was a problem with the wlan device.

After reapeating the processe several times, it was clear for me that both things were correlated.

The thing is, you cannot turn off the wlan device at the beginning of the upgrade, since mission planner accesses the internet to get the latest firmware (if I understood it correctly). However, the moment this step is concluded, the software will ask you to unconnect the autopilot and reattach it after hitting OK. That's the moment I turned off my wlan device and the upload of the firmaware went perfectly well.

So, maybe I'm the only one with this problem, but nevertheless, I decided to post it here, I hope that's OK.


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