Using Ardupilot for Camera Stabilisation

Hello All,

As the title says, can the Ardupilot Mega be used primarily as a camera stabilisation unit?

I am flying a MK hexacopter, and I want to mount a stabilser on the camera gimbal itself.

Has anybody done this?

How easy would this be to achieve? I am looking for an alternative to Picloc, which is pretty expensive.

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  • i am thinking of taking the tilt and roll from the APM and sending it to a UNO

  • EDIT: nvm.  I thought you were talking about APM2.

  • I believe this is built into Arducopter by default, I guess you'll need the IMU oilpan if you are using APM1, or the APM2. I believe it is built into Arducopter, but Not Arduplane. check out this link, It may help.

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