Using SITL only for part of the code


I really want to contribute to a project, but I'm new to this topic. So I'm working through the developer pages. I read and built with 'make px4-v2' the example sketches for some libraries and uploaded them with 'make px4-v2-upload' on the Pixhawk of my Iris. With mavproxy I can look at the output.

Is there a possibility to upload the code to a "virtual" Pixhawk or emulator and test the code directly on my computer?

I also set up SITL, but I can only run the whole ArduPlane or ArduCopter Code and not just the example sketches.

Is there a possibility to simulate just part of the code or the example sketches with SITL?

An answer to just one of the questions would be very helpful.

Thank you very much.


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