V2 Shield lights

I hope I am in the correct spot this time for this discussion! Here goes again. After my Easystar stalled out in flight with too strong a tailwind I decided to add a shield with airspeed sensor. After the assembly and adding it to the AP I discovered there was a Lock light but no Power or State lights. I am concerned about giving it a try for fear it may not be functioning. I thought I saw something on one of the sites about one or more of the lights not transfering up to the shield but I am unable to find the site now. Does anyone know about this or am I doing something wrong. I have reconfigured adding to airspeed sensor in the Arduino IDE but no luck. I am using an IMU if it makes a difference to the project question.

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  • 3D Robotics
    Yes, once you make necessary modifications to the ArduPilot board (wires on the bottom) for 4 channels, you lose some of the LEDs on the shield.
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