What happen:
1.After succesfull PID tuning (manual) - pitch,roll, althold,loiter- rock solid but battery must change to continue tunning.
2. Landing, checking PID value. roll and pitch 0,2 P value
3. Changing battery
4. checking PID value - increase P on Yaw - (rubber yaw) change 0,3 to 0,32 o P
5. arming and takingoff then copter (8kg X8) behaved like 0 P on roll and pitch like newspaper on strong wind :(
6. Crash on his back.

I've studying logs and found nothing significant that could be the reason of it
Could someone help me understand what happen, please?

Bin and log


PS. after re -uploading FW and start setting up from the beegining, it's same  like pt.5

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