Vectored motor configuration and Arduino

Hi, My underwater ROV team is working on building a vehicle with a vectored motor configuration with an Arduino Due. The Arduino is fed by two 2 axis analog joysticks (one for x,z plane of motion, the other for the y plane or vertical motion). The problem we are having right now is within our code. We understand that there is arithmetic operations needed for the vectored configuration to function properly, but are at a standstill of exactly what that math should look like.

We want to be able to control 2 axis movement of the vehicle with one joystick. So far we have been able to forward and reverse vehicular motion, but re having trouble with left, right, and diagonal vehicular motion. 

other information: we are running a 12V system, DC motors (modified bilge pumps), with Pololu 18v7 motor controllers (ESCs) that are connected to the Arduino using PWM.

Code is attached, if anyone has any input or insight, it would be greatly appreciated!

ROV vectored 3-11-17.txt

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