I have a APM1.0 and when I hook it up to the APM Mission planner the vertical speed jumps all over the place and altitude moves up and down. It just goes to random values when the board is sitting still on my desk. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this, and if so how can I fix it?
I am using the APM1.0 with the ATmega2560 and Mission Planner version 1.2.80. It appears, after testing in the terminal that the accelerometers and gyros are good. I cannot tell if the barometer is good. It seems to jump around a lot. That might be the problem.
What version of the Ardupilot are you using?
If you have the APM1.0 with the Atmel 1280, then you are somewhat limited as to the firmware version of the Ardupilot that you can use.
What version of the MP are you using?
Have you tried testing the Oilpan sensors using the CLI in the Terminal Mode?
TCIII ArduRover2 Developer