Vertigo VTOL

Does anyone have any experience building/flying Tom Hunt's Vertigo VTOL?It has the potential of a neat UAV platform.Here's a video of it flying: review of it here also: can be ordered from MAN: if it could be easily converted to electric. It looks like a lot of thrust is needed on the vertical takeoffs.Marc


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  • I've been thinking and looking at the construction of the Vertigo model. It's all wood and metal frame with a heavy engine so of course it'll need a lot of thrust to lift that weight off the ground. If you build your frame from lighter material similar to the copters, then it should work. I'm actually going to be working on one myself. Once I get progress I'll put results on my blog page.
  • No takers huh? I'm also interested in turning one of those into a UAV. Have you made any progress in it?
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