I have made a QUAD it flew very well two times  but with important trim valors but now

 I have a problem:

connected with the configurato, gas on 

only the  the motors 2 and 3 run 15 seconds after they stop and the 1 and 0 run 15 seconds after they stop and the 2 and 3 run and so on without any action on the throttle stick

very curious isn t it

do you have a solution

thank  you for your help


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    I am French,so in my PC I go to "panneau de configuration" then "option regionale et linguistique" I change french to "english (etats unis)

    and now 

    a)it is possible to download the transmiter configuration

    b) the four motors run alltogheader everythings seams correct

    may be to morrow it fly!!!!!!!!


  • Developer


         Presumably this is an ArduCopter quad?  In any case, what must be happening is that your quad is trying to compensate for "perceived" yaw change.  So it thinks it's rotating and it's trying to compensate for that by firing up 1 and 0 or 2 and 3.  Because it's switching between the two, i'd guess it's trying to do 'heading hold' to some compass reading.  Say for example it's trying to hold a course of 0....while it thinks it's heading is between 1~179 degrees it will try and turn left because that's the quickest way back to 0.  When it's 181~359, the quicker route is to turn right.


         so the pulsing is from when it crosses over 180deg and then 0 and then back to 180, etc.


         I'll bet if you hold the yaw stick in some direction it will act differently.

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