Hi All,

I am currently in talks with TopXGun regarding the possibility of providing and supporting their products in the UK and Europe and would like your help and honest opinions, at present the user base is very small outside of their home country China, so obtaining helpful customer reviews and findings is very difficult, so I would be very grateful if any end users out there could provide me with this invaluable information either on this thread or PM me directly.


TopXGun have developed the Hardware and Software for their range of Flight Controllers from the ground up and the flight performance is very stable and predictable.

The Technical Specification is very high including dual IMU/GPS redundancy on the Higher End models like the T1-S and T1-Pro and with the latest edition the D1 they have implemented RTK technology for extremely accurate GPS positioning.

Many Thanks Jason.





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  • Hi Sean,

    i have a strong background in Electronics and currently work as an Engineer for a large Electronics Company with factories and offices in China, I have a vast amount of Knowledge on Multi Rotor Vehicles having Built many over the last 5-6 years, I have also helped to develop other Flight Controllers for other companies in the past,  I can tell just by reading the Specification the Quality and Flight performance of your products but will be obtaining a Sample very soon,
    I am in Talks with a multi rotor Specialist in the UK to stock your Product Range with Linda's help,
    Kind Regards,
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