Visualization and delivering drone data in 3D

Hi, My name is Adam from 4DMapper, I'd like to introduce 4dmapper as an open self service platform for drone operators. It enables processed data from your drone to be shared and accessed in 3D without any software with anyone you choose. It offers on the fly 3D volume measurement from your terrain data,virtual surveying and 3D digitizing, live collaboration, ... and automatically converts your orthophotos, DSM/DEM, shape files, pointclouds etc. to manageable tiles on your browser. It also accepts very high resolution geo-tagged images as jpg format with live annotation and supports videos for asset inspection. Please visit and let me know if you want to see more features to be supported.


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  • For stokepile volume measurement, can you load base surface to measure relative to or you can only mark polygon around the pile and the base is assumed to be flat?
    • You can mark a polygon in 3D around the pile then it creates a TIN and calculates a base surface for it, If base was assumed to be flat it wouldn't give accurate volume measurements for most of the cases. 

      • TIN as base is OK if the pile stis on "regular" surface. Unfortunately this is not the case in most of the real life cases. You need to be able to load base surface and measure the volume between the base surface and the pile surface in order to get accurate results.
        • Correct, we will consider this in our development plan, thanks for the feedback!

This reply was deleted.


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