Voltage Monitor Problem



I hooked up my voltage monitoring as per the instructions in the manual.  I get a reading of 16v rather than 12.45V that I get on my test meter.


Any ideas?




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  • Morning All,


    Ok, so I gave up with the calculations on the Voltage monitoring page and I fitted a 10k Variable pot resistor like the one attached. It is a no drift type so hot and cold in regular conditions does not effect the resistence.  When I was finished, it measured at 3080Ohms.


    Hope this helps anyone else having simular issues.





  • Morning,


    ok, so have done some more homework.  Here's how I propose to do it without changing any code.


    My Target is 4.58V as I understand it.

    I used http://www.raltron.com/cust/tools/voltage_divider.asp to calculate the ohm rating for R2 which is 5.710ohms.


    Unfortunately I could not find a 5.7k resistor so I used http://www.raltron.com/cust/tools/parallel_resistance.asp to calculate the closest possible match that I can get.  24k + 7.5k in parallel gives me 5.71ohms.


    So I will try to find two of these resistors and solder them in and test.


    If I am going to be blowing up my APM, please warn me, I will certainly read all of your posts tomorrow evening when I attempt this.




  • Morning,


    Perhaps you are looking for more details to respond to this one.


    I am running a 3S lipo battery.  I have solded into the board the balance connector.  Grnd is Grnd, an0 = 4v and an1=8v and an2=12v.  I have soldered in the 3 3.9k resistors and measured them to make sure they were the correct values as per the howto.


    I would really appriciate a response on this one.




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