V-Tail with FMA CoPilot

I am experimenting with a new airframe, a v-tail trainer like the one sold on flyingwings.co.uk, and am curious if the FMA Copilot can effectively stabilize along the X axis and Y axis. Does anyone have any advice or experience with the adrupilot or fma copilot and a v-tail? should i install ailerons? I plan on using a ar500 and dx7? Any responses would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Admin

    You can download the FMA CoPilot II manual for free from the FMA website. I believe that the CoPilot II can control a v-tail configuration, but read the manual to be sure. I am presently using a CoPilot II on a Twinstar II and it works very well at stabilizing the plane with hands off the transmitter joysticks. However I plan to use an APM/IMU Meg to control the Twinstar II in the near future.

  • Developer
    I don't know if the FMA copilot can do it directly, but you could always use a v-tail mixer between the copilot and the servos.

    ArduPilot can be set up for V-tail
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