Wacky Voltage readings and difficult setup

I do not understand why we need to measure the voltage from the ESC's to calibrate the sensor.  I don't even power my APM with the ESC's. Maybe that is why I am having such a hayday getting an accurate voltage reading? I use a separate BEC with filtration. 

But I don't understand.  I want to measure the main voltage and the main amps from the single battery source.  What can't we use that number for calibration.  Measure the main voltage and enter that !!

Any ideas, suggestion?  Maybe somebody could just educate me?



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  • Rick

    If I follow your question right, the APM needs to know what the voltage is being feed to it. The A to D converter, needs to know what the high voltage is for the high number.

    If you look at the code it is used to calulate the input voltage.

    The voltage you would use is what you are feeding the APM. If it's from another source you give it that voltage.

    Also I saw your other question on powering your osd. I tryied one Battery to start with and didn't have a problem, be sure to disconnect the +12 from the video side. However You will get a LOT of servo noise on the video output.




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Jun 30