Walkera UFO 5 problem.

Hi, I'm new to the forum and new to quadflyers, so as a starting point I bought a second hand UFO5 to get used to quadflyers. It flew OK for the first couple ofweeks, although I couldn't get it to hover, but now it has developed a permanent spin.  All of the motors seem to be working and I've tested them  for thrust byholding the UFO in my hand and increasing the revs.  Nothing seems to be burnt out on the board, so I wondered whether anyone on here has any ideas. One thing I have noticed is that when under load the cross pieces rise upwards and that two of the rotors seem hesitant at first. Is this normal?

                     Cheers, John

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  • Developer
    The way a quad holds it's yaw is by increasing the power to two opposite motors (i.e. right and left motors) and decreasing the power to the remaining two (i.e. front and back) - or vice versa depending upon which way it wants to turn. You can see this in the arduCopter code https://code.google.com/p/arducopter/source/browse/trunk/Arducopter... <-- search for "rightMotor="

    so one possibility is that one (or more) of your motors can't keep up with the rest of them. In this case the rotational force from all the motors wouldn't perfectly cancel out and it would spin.

    The other option is that something's happened to the gyros so it doesn't know that it's spinning and so it doesn't try to counteract it by increasing/decreasing power to the appropriate motors.
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