I'm thinking like sporting events. For example I have Petco park and game allmost every night its televised  locally say u could get ur self on top of anyone of big buildings surrounding the park. I easily got the range to take the drone right into center field and hover 10 feet off the ground LEDs shighning bright looking like a ufo . U can't tell me that ESPN wouldn't put that basically everywhere in the world. How can u top that. Dont get it twisted I realize I'm losing the drone but just the YouTube footage from the broadcast is totally worth it.

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  • Moderator

    It's a funny idea, but keep in mind this is the sort of thing that the authorities would probably not mind making an example of.  Since you've already implicated yourself here, the followup might not go well for you.

    Stay cool, for your own and everyone else's sake!

  • Admin


    Any careless or thoughtless public act with a multicopter or UAV will just give the anti-UAV crowd more ammunition in their quest to suppress legitimate and responsible UAV operators and operations.


    TCIII Admin

  • Admin


    "Ya your right just cause I don't have some sort of a famous land mark to give a flight post worthiness and the last thing I would wan to do hurt somebody"

    If you really mean it then pls don't do such or help any one wanting to do this. We all don't want to apply for permit, wait for security clearance  to fly a toy.  Do you ?

  • I don't think we need that kind of publicity.  That will be the day the thing acts up and someone gets hurt.

    You want that on Youtube????

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