Wanted: Separate RTH cruise and loiter altitudes

Hello folks,

I have several APM setups that I use with multi-rotors.

I currently use EagleTree OSD pro setups in my long-range FPV planes.

I'd like to try APM plane, but the area where I normally fly is very hilly. Eagletree has a feature which is invaluable.  The RTH cruise altitude is separate from the home loiter altitude.  There's also a radius from the home point where the loiter altitude kicks in.

The hills around me are about 1100 feet higher than my take-off position so I have to set my RTH cruise altitude higher than that, but upon returning home, the plane would be so high that it's difficult to spot if loitering that high and the FPV link has failed.

I think it would be great to add that feature to APM plane, or perhaps there's some other method which would work.


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  • This has been requested before. I think it is an open issue at GitHub. You should check that out.
    I would love to see this option. DOSD has several choices here. One will start a slow circling descent over home until is "lands" (crashes). The logic is that if you can't take over during this time, it's going to crash anyway.
    I prefer the option to have an auto approach and landing stored in the APM that will stay there even if you switch out the primary mission. I think this will be incorporated into the Rally feature at some point.
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