Just a heads up for you folks. I recently opened a NIB APM 2.5 which I purchased about a year ago (life got in the way for a bit). It updates the firmware, verifies it, and I can even talk CLI to it. But it will not communicate via mavlink. I have 2 other APM's which work fine. I checked the 3.3v voltage and it shows as -.07v?! This device was taken out of the bag, and plugged into usb, and only usb. It was obviously DOA. And 3DR refuses to repair/replace because I did not inspect within 90 days. I paid almost $200 for that sucker...

My fault. I guess so. But I expected a little more love from 3DR. So make sure you inspect your stuff within 90 days if you expect to have the warranty honored.

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  • I don't think that's too unreasonable.  I run a small hobbyshop.  I would go out of business if I accepted returns after a year.  90 Days in pretty long I think.

  • I don't know of too many places that would be any different!
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