Waypoint navigation problem

I'm writing the waypoint file to apm via USB at my lab, and reading it fine in flight planner (with battery disconnected).....then i go to some other location, connect battery n fly.....but copter doesn't follow waypoints....instead, it hovers around home position for certain time and battery dies off....after flight when i re-read the waypoint file, it goes corrupt.....gives around 100 waypoints around home position.....

Does anyone have a clue on what's happening....?? Is the EEPROM going corrupt after connecting battery...?? I also sometimes connect battery n calibrate radio....n re-read the wp file in lab n find data goes corrupt......Should I load wp file only after powering the quad rotor just before flight (n never switch the battery off...)..?? If yes, I thought EEPROM data is non-volatile so can't understand the rationale...

I'm using APM Mission Planner (tried with 1.0.95, response...) The arducopter firmware I tried were 2.0.50 and 2.0.54....

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  • Shifted to APM firmware v 2.0.49....no data corruptions since then....there's probably bug somewhere introduced post 49...

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