Waypoints Not Displayed During Log Playback

I made three flights today and, when playing back the log files in MP 1.2.19, none of the waypoints get displayed.  I have noticed in the past that if you play back a log file at accelerated speed this can happen.  Replaying the file at normal speed brings in the waypoints.  In this case, I have played back all three files at normal speed.

Also, I attempted to extract waypoints from one of the log files, but his results in MP crashing.  I allowed MP to report the error.  I noticed this in the past, so I don't believe it's a new issue.

The log files mentioned above are attached.


2012-11-11 09-02-33 Rexroth.tlog

2012-11-11 09-33-47 Rexroth.tlog

2012-11-11 09-57-44 Rexroth.tlog

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  • Developer

    my first guess is that you didnt download the wp's in the logs.  it only diplays wps if they where uploaded while the apm was connected.

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