Hello Everyone,

I've recently run into a bit of a problem trying to write and read waypoints, with wireless telemetry, using the latest codes for ArduPlane and Mission Planner.  I can connect fine using wireless telemetry and everything seems to be working under the Flight Data tab, but whenever I try to read or write mission waypoints, I get the following error messages:


3690935034?profile=originalReading and writing via USB works fine though.

Any ideas anyone?


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  • I'm having this same error. Anyone remebers solution?

    • In my case I had to double airspeed. Apparently there was timeout problems. My duty cycle is 10 %, so it slows down communication enough to timeouts occur.

  • Developer

    can you click on the link info, and see if many packets are being dropped?

    and also try changing the telemetry rates down in

    config>planner> rates

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