Weird altitude readings when xbee connects


I'm kinda stumped with the weird altitude readings that I've been getting, it has something to do with the xbee pro 900 I'm using for telemetry. I've uploaded a graph to show you what the output from the barometer is and what happens when the xbee is connected alt%20data.jpg.


When I touch the the aerial its returns to semi normal operation, moving or touching the wires from the imu to the xbee also makes it a little better. I tried twisting the tx and rx wires and even wrapping them in aluminium foil all with varying levels of success but noting that would produce an output that was satisfactory


I guess it could be some sort of RF interference inducting on the wires affecting the barometer or something along those lines. Maybe a ferrite ring could help, I might try shorting the wires and see what happens. I'm no electronics expert so I'm 100% sure what's happening and why its only effecting the barometer. I haven't seen anyone else with this problem.


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.




alt data.jpg

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  • I am also haveing altidude problems. :(

    I do not use xbee. 




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