Weird GPS problem

Hi you all!

I've have a apm 1 board with gps connected.

When i connect my board via usb to mission planner, i can receive gps signal.

but when i'm using my xbee, everything works exept my gps signal! if i then connect my usb to my computer, then its working over my xbee...

So i think its a power issue, when powered over usb, its working, when powering over ESC it's not working.

Can someone help me?

Thank you guys!

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  • Hi,

    I am having the same trouble...did you figure out what was wrong? I am powering my APM via the RC receiver, which is supplied with a 6.6V Life battery. As soon as I use the xbees and disconnect the USB, I get "no GPS" indicated on the mission planner, but with the USB, I get GPS lock and everything works perfectly!


    Any advice?







  • Developer

    soound like a power issue. your escs must not be providing enough power.

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