Bit of a long story but I have an ares spidex 3d...
one of the motors died and when I tried to replace it - the solder pad was so close to a tiny black thing on the board i ended up melting it slightly...
Eventually the black thing let out the magic smoke and went white hot nearly burning a hole where it was - then stopped.
as it stands I know i will have to get a new board but something very strange happining now and wondered if there is any way of saving it without a new board - as i cant afford one yet.
when i test the voltage between + and - for that motor im still getting a varable voltage when i use the throttle - and it is the same as the other motors - I thought i was in luck as whatever burnt out might not have killed it.
the only problem is - the second i attach a motor to that + and - the motor doesnt spin (it is a working one i tested it before and after - still works on a battery) the voltage drops to zero.
Any idea whats going on here - my soldering isnt the best so i could have caused anything to happen.
thing is if i could stop it dropping to zero and get the motor to see that voltage - its like it knows a motor is there and says nope and drops to 0.
any help would be brilliant as i am grounded now unless i can fix one of my quadcopters
thank you
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