What capacity LiPo:s for a Hex?


I'm on finals building my first 3Drobotics Hexacopter with the bigger 880 motors.

I've tried to find recommendations for LiPo:s but haven't really found any good advice.

It appears that a 3 cell package is correct but which capacity (mAh:s) would be a good choice?



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  • Would not a 4S be a better choice with a hexa using 880s? I really don't know, but the little I've learned so far is pushing me towards a hexa as my second multi that I would use to carry some actual payload, so I'm paying attention and gathering info (in my head) on all things hexa.

    Here's my thought process: I use a 3S 3300mAh with a 3DR-B quad. So a 3S 5000mAh is ~50% larger than that to power 50% more motors on a similar-style hexa...so ballparking it they'll give a similar flight time. That's not considering the hexa's payload and extra battery weight. IMO that's when it's time to bump up the pack voltage instead of just its capacity. I'll see what others think, just thinking out loud at this point...

  • Hi Richard.  Read this thread from James.   Link

    He has got 25mins flight time with 2x 5000mah lipos in parallel

  • Wiki Ninja

    I'm building my first Hex; I went with 3S 500mha. 
    Glad to find out I should get 15m at hover

  • Moderator

    I've used 2200's, 3000's and 5000mAh on my quad, the 2200's give about 7 minutes and the 5000's 15 minutes of hovering. The extra weight of a hex will cause a higher amp draw overall so I'd go for at least 5000mAh.

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