What do I need to get started?

I'm interested in turning this into a hobby, however I don't want simple "do this and that" I want intuition to it, I want to learn about each function of each device and how/why it works. So, that being said, what books, sites, YouTube videos, equipment, or starter kits do you recommend?  By equipment I mean a good MCU/breadboard/parts/female/male jumpers /multimeter/etc anything I would need to get a good understanding of this. 

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  • If you have never coded micros before then a good book would be Making Things Talk. It covers everything except the very advanced stuff. Includes examples on various hardware interfaces, breadboards and much more. It shows the basics of how the arduino chip works, leds, basics of the xbee telemetry system, network communications, servos, reading sensors, blue tooth... most things

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