What does the home location do?

I'm starting out with an Ardurover, mainly because it can't fly into the ground or just fly away.

I've got a couple of very simple questions that I can't gleen from the manual or forum.

1.  What does the  "HOME LOCATION" actually do?  Is it the "start here point"?

2.  How do  actualy run a mission?  I'm using Xbee telemetry.   I've got my home location and 3 waypoints at the soccer field. 

    Step A.   Put Rover on the ground  and turn it on.

            B.   Establish Xbee conectivity and wait for GPS to align. 

            C.   Now what?







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  • Developer

    home location use to reset home, currently though its just used for the distance calcs, antenna tracker location etc.

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